All Site Activity

    • Joseph
      Joseph published a blog post Access data of our community
      This is the access data of our community. You can see from where our members are accessing this site. I think our members are from all over the world, and we are very cosmopolitan community. Is your country well represented? Tell us where you...
      • Suzie Nisha
        Suzie Nisha is now a friend with Sunho Kim
          Suzie Nisha
            Sunho Kim
            • Joseph
              Joseph posted on Sunho Kim's message board
              You have a great job! I used to work as a rural development manager in Zambia. I was responsible for agricultural, educational, and health related projects among other things. Interested in your projects. Would you like to share the website...
              • Sunho Kim
                Sunho Kim posted on Sunho Kim's message board
                Hello I am rural community development specialist and also project manager in 3 project for sustainable development in rural area of Central America, Asia and Africa. Good to know all by only works.
                • Chris
                  Chris posted on Kpalete Agossou KPADE's message board
                  Welcome Kpalete! Tell us whats up!
                  • pettit yuko
                    pettit yuko is now a friend with Kpalete Agossou KPADE
                      pettit yuko
                        Kpalete Agossou KPADE
                        • Rush Arush
                          Identity is the key to understand the history and human society.
                            • Anik Rice

                              I think of a different way of putting this in words.


                              Ethnic groups do not die physically but die psychologically. The human species has been making babies generations after generations and physically reproducing itself...

                              • Chris

                                Anik, I like they way put it in writing. 

                                • Yang

                                  I choose to belong to human race.

                                • Rush Arush
                                  Rush Arush is now a friend with Stan Cuyler
                                    Rush Arush
                                      Stan Cuyler
                                      • NY Ma
                                        NY Ma posted on Nea's message board
                                        Welcome to the house of human. Tell us anything new in your life.
                                        • Bill Vaani
                                          Bill Vaani posted to the wire
                                          So true!
                                          • Yang
                                            Yang posted to the wire
                                            Olympics is less enjoyable if you have Human Identity.
                                            • Die Bill
                                              Die Bill posted on Stan Cuyler's message board
                                              Hi Stan, I just added you to my friend list.
                                              • Die Bill
                                                Die Bill is now a friend with Stan Cuyler
                                                  Die Bill
                                                    Stan Cuyler
                                                    • Die Bill
                                                      Die Bill commented on the blog Power of identity
                                                      I know this is an old story, but I think that OJ Simpson case illustrates how identity influences people's thoughts. OJ Simpson is a former NFL star of African American origin married to a white woman. His wife and her friend were...Read more
                                                      • 3chan
                                                        3chan is now a friend with Stan Cuyler
                                                            Stan Cuyler
                                                            • Green
                                                              Green posted on Stan Cuyler's message board
                                                              Whats up Stan. Tell us a bit about you.
                                                              • Harisha
                                                                Harisha has a new avatar
                                                                • Green
                                                                  Green published a blog post Power of identity
                                                                  I ask people here to come up with examples of identity influencing human behavior
                                                                    • Die Bill

                                                                      I know this is an old story, but I think that OJ Simpson case illustrates how identity influences people's thoughts.

                                                                      OJ Simpson is a former NFL star of African American origin married to a white woman. His wife and her friend were...

                                                                    • Harisha
                                                                      Harisha commented on the blog Sports can unite Human, too!
                                                                      You are right, Anik. Anything that is common among us will unites us. Beatles did. PlayStation did.
                                                                      • Chris
                                                                        Chris is now a friend with Suzie Nisha
                                                                            Suzie Nisha